Sewer Line Cleaning Company in Deer Park, Illinois

How Often Should You Clean Your Sewer Line? Insights from a Sewer Line Cleaning Company in Deer Park, Illinois

Home 9 Sewer Line 9 How Often Should You Clean Your Sewer Line? Insights from a Sewer Line Cleaning Company in Deer Park, Illinois

The average Deer Park homeowner does not think about their sewer line all that often. This pipe is hidden underground, which means people tend to forget it’s even there. However, neglecting your sewer line could result in both worrisome and unsanitary situations.

To avoid issues with your plumbing system and to keep things running smoothly, regular sewer line cleaning is essential. With that said, you might be wondering: how often should you clean your sewer line? This sewer line cleaning company in Deer Park, Illinois is going to explain below.

How often should you clean your sewer line?

The good news is that sewer line cleaning is not something you have to do too frequently, like how you might need to change your HVAC filters every few months. In most cases, it is a task that can be performed on a yearly basis, or when you start to notice specific signs that there might be a blockage in the sewer line. One thing to keep in mind is that every home is unique. If your home has some unique challenges that might impact your plumbing system or sewer line, you can always have your local sewer line cleaning company in Deer Park, Illinois inspect your home and suggest a maintenance plan.

That said, there are some clear signs that your sewer line needs attention. If you ignore these signs, you could face a bigger mess and a higher repair bill.

Signs that it’s time for a sewer line cleaning

If you notice any of the following signs, it’s probably time to have your sewer lines cleaned to avoid worse problems in the long run:

  • If there is a foul smell in or around your home that does not go away
  • If you see sewage coming back up in your sinks, toilets, or bathtubs
  • If you hear strange gurgling noises from your pipes, it indicates there is likely a blockage in the sewer line preventing water from flowing freely
  • Another issue is when you use multiple water appliances at the same time, and it causes water to back up in places it should not (like water backing up in your bathtub after you flush the toilet)
  • If water drains too slowly, or if your drains are clogged often
  • Sometimes, foundation issues, like water stains or damage resulting from excess moisture, can be caused by sewer line problems
  • If you have to clean your drains over and over again because they keep getting blocked, it might be because there are bigger issues with your sewer lines (like tree roots growing into them)

What can you expect during a sewer line cleaning service?

When you schedule a service with a professional sewer line cleaning company in Deer Park, Illinois, a few things might happen. How long it takes and how the technician cleans it depends on how complicated the problem is.

First, the technician might use a drain auger (also called a plumbing snake or drain snake) to remove simple clogs and obstructions. This long and flexible tool can be fed down the sewer pipes to break up blockages. In some cases, they might use a high-pressure water jet for more stubborn blockages, like tree roots growing into the pipes. This machine shoots water fast and hard into the pipes to break apart and wash away stubborn clogs.

A video camera inspection is integral to sewer line cleaning services these days. This tool lets the experts see what’s going on inside the pipes and quickly locate the blockage. This is helpful because it helps them identify and fix the problem faster.

Looking for a Sewer Line Cleaning Company in Deer Park, Illinois?

Have you noticed any of the signs we mentioned above? If so, and if you’re looking to schedule a service with the best sewer line cleaning company in Deer Park, Illinois, look no further than the team at R Carrozza Plumbing Co. Contact us today at (847) 451-7040 to schedule an appointment.